Muley Nation News600 4
Mule Deer Foundation
Produced by Jason Matzinger

There are many factors that determine Mule Deer populations across North America.
From habitat types and carrying capacities to habitat development and human interaction. Where you find Mule Deer you find Predators… ‘PREDATORS’ is #8 of our 12 part #PROJECTMULEDEER Series presented by the Mule Deer Foundation
and is intended to teach you not only what the Mule Deer need to thrive, but survive!

The purpose of the Mule Deer Foundation is to ensure the
conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer, and their habitat.

MDF is Dedicated to the Following Goals:

To restore, improve and protect mule deer habitat (including land and easement acquisitions) resulting in self-sustaining, healthy, free ranging and huntable deer populations.

To encourage and support responsible wildlife management with government agencies, private organizations, and landowners.

To promote public education and scientific research related to mule deer and wildlife management.

To support and encourage responsible and ethical behavior and awareness of issues among those whose actions affect mule deer.

To support regulated hunting as a viable component of mule deer and black-tailed deer conservation.

To develop programs that focus on recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and conservation.

Do you support these goals? if so Get Involved today.
At MDF, our goals are not just words for the Annual Report – we back ’em up with Money and Action on the ground!
Find out how we’re putting these goals into practice in Your State.
― Theodore Roosevelt
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Mule Deer Foundation: 1939 S. 4130 W., Salt Lake City, UT 84104 |